Brownstone Institute

Australian Government Revises Misinformation Bill

ACMA’s Role in Australia’s Censorship Campaign


Today, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland tabled a new version of the bill which is intended to “carefully balance the public interest in combatting seriously harmful misinformation and disinformation with the freedom of expression that is so fundamental to our democracy.”

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Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened

Those Published “17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths” Never Happened


To be exact: there were never “17,000 deaths;” it was always a hypothetical extrapolation of people that could have died, based on “unreliable” (eg, actually, fraudulent) databases on top of the previously mentioned, problematic late-stage RECOVERY-trial-type dosing and timing. 

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Rebuild for the Next Storm

Rebuild for the Next Storm


My mother’s death ensured that I am incapable of forgetting. My prayer is that the hardships which we now face will do the same for us as a people, lest we find ourselves built on sand when the next storm comes.

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A Fourth Amendment for the 21st century

A Fourth Amendment for the 21st Century


“Twentieth-century Fourth Amendment law was really written for a world before computers,” stated Reilly Stephens, an attorney with the Liberty Justice Center. “…and there were these assumptions built into the law that were really based around resource constraints.”

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Brownstone Institute Fellowships


Brownstone Institute provides a one-year fellowship to writers, researchers, and thinkers with proven passion and commitment in light of the sacrifices they've made for truth and freedom.


REPPARE, an initiative of University of Leeds, supported by Brownstone Institute, to clarify the evidence base on which history’s largest public health program is being built.

Censorship and Propaganda

Censorship and Propaganda

The working group on censorship and propaganda does the deeper research of how this unfolded, and documents in granular detail the connections and the agenda to control the public mind.

Money and Finance

The money and finance working group tracks the use of monetary tools as instruments of control, and the dangerous drive to create a central bank digital currency.

Every month, Brownstone Institute invites friends, supporters, fellows, partners, and more to the famed Brownstone Supper Club, featuring a new guest speaker each month. The success of this gathering has inspired others to establish their own regional gatherings.

Brownstone Institute hosts an annual Gala and Conference, giving the general public, supporters, and all our authors, fellows, and researchers opportunities to interact and learn more about the mission, direction, current and upcoming initiatives. Watch the Calendar for announcements about our next Gala or view our past events.


The book publishing program at Brownstone Institute allows great minds to reach the public despite censorship and without major delays. The goal is to provide sanctuary and community for our authors in times of incredible professional upheaval.


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Minimum Price: $10.00
Donations not made to the Fellowship Fund go toward operations, events, and other areas as needed.

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